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  • Video: The Faculty Peer Visits Program provides UNC-CH faculty members with an opportunity to see peers representing a variety of disciplines implementing interactive methods in a live classroom setting.

Upcoming Events

  • Mobile Summer Institute: Summer 2018, date TBA. The College of Arts and Sciences and Summer School will be hosting the second annual UNC Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching, supported by the National Academies and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). All participants will be recognized as National Academies Education Fellows. The format of the National Academies Summer Institutes is a 5-day workshop that focuses on the three key themes of scientific teaching: active learning, assessment, and inclusivity.
  • CFE Faculty Showcase: This event, held every spring, offers a great opportunity to learn about some of the exciting work Carolina faculty members are doing in classrooms across campus to advance the University’s instructional mission.
  • Elon University and Kennesaw State University both offer directories of upcoming teaching and learning conferences around the country. Check them out!